( Mostly) radical thoughts, ideas, and links from late stage colonial capitalism.

  • Staff say Dell’s return to office mandate is a stealth layoff, especially for women

    Dell’s “return to office” mandate has left employees confused about which offices they can use and the future of their jobs – and concerned the initiative is a stealth layoff program that will disproportionately harm women at the IT giant.

    As El Reg broke this month, Dell told employees they each needed to choose between resuming a hybrid work schedule – working from a corporate office part of the time – or continue working remotely. Those who chose to remain as remote workers were effectively making a career-limiting decision.

    All of these bourgeois RTO demands are deeply gendered.

  • AI hiring tools may be filtering out the best job applicants

    Body-language analysis. Vocal assessments. Gamified tests. CV scanners. These are some of the tools companies use to screen candidates with artificial intelligence recruiting software. Job applicants face these machine prompts – and AI decides whether they are a good match or fall short.

    Businesses are increasingly relying on them. A late-2023 IBM survey of more than 8,500 global IT professionals showed 42% of companies were using AI screening “to improve recruiting and human resources”. Another 40% of respondents were considering integrating the technology.

    Aw, gee, a LLM based on racist, classist, ableist exemplars reproducing the very thing those employing these tools would do anyway.

  • Brazil’s Lula compares Israel’s war on Gaza with the Holocaust

    Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has accused Israel of committing “genocide” against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and compared its war on Gaza with Adolf Hitler’s campaign to exterminate Jewish people.

    “What’s happening in the Gaza Strip isn’t a war, it’s a genocide,” Lula told reporters in Addis Ababa where he was attending an African Union summit on Sunday.

    But worse because this time the west is sponsoring not confronting the genocide.

  • Israeli soldiers fire at Palestinians approaching aid trucks in Gaza

    Desperate Palestinians rushing toward aid trucks to fetch food in central Gaza were forced to flee after Israeli troops opened fire on them amid the rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation in the enclave.

    Footage verified by Al Jazeera shows hundreds of Palestinians in Gaza City in the central part of the besieged enclave running to get food items delivered by the United Nations in boxes on the back of trucks as bullets are fired.

    Keep writing to your politicians. This western backed genocide isn’t just going to go away.

  • Microsoft’s Pricey AI Assistant Copilot Leaves Early Adopters Feeling Cheated

    Hailed as an AI game-changer, Microsoft’s generative AI assistant Copilot is facing criticism from early adopters, citing the steep price tag it carries and inaccurate suggestions it offers.

    Microsoft has been sparing no effort in a bid to promote and improve Copilot. In line with this, the software giant has already integrated the AI bot into its existing suite of apps including Word, Outlook, Teams, PowerPoint and Excel.

    Remember folks, CEOs are thirty seconds away from replacing you with a robot. If only those pesky robots were better at their jobs!

  • ‘We made the wrong decisions’: COVID-era mass school closures condemned

    Mass school closures that stretched for months during the pandemic were unnecessary and led to a cascade of social and educational problems that threaten a generation of Australian children, top education experts say.

    Governments have failed to examine the fallout from one of the most far-reaching decisions prompted by COVID-19, which disrupted the schooling of millions of students and resulted in an attendance crisis and persistent behavioural issues.

    This really tops the stupid charts alongside “workers should return to the office” rhetoric from oligarchs.

    “Some of you proles may die, but that is a sacrifice we capitalists are willing to make.”

  • Trump launches sneaker line a day after judge’s order to pay nearly $355 million

    Former President Donald Trump on Saturday launched a sneaker line, a day after he and his companies were ordered by a judge to pay nearly $355 million in his New York civil fraud trial.

    The former president unveiled “Trump Sneakers” at Sneaker Con in Philadelphia. He placed a pair of gold sneakers, which a new website has listed for $399 and named the “NEVER SURRENDER HIGH-TOP SNEAKER,” on the podium as he spoke.

    If you needed any further proof that we collectively live in a corpocracy …

  • Work-related mental distress alarmingly high for uni staff, study finds

    Downsizing, layoffs and cost-cutting policies have led to alarmingly high levels of work-related psychological distress in university staff, a new University of South Australia study has found.

    Two-thirds, or 67 per cent of respondents, were classed as having ‘poor psychosocial safety’ at work, which means they were high or very high risk of mental injury stemming from work conditions. 

    Two in five, or 44 per cent, fall into the high or very high psychological distress category, which includes symptoms like tiredness, nervousness and depression.

    Another two thirds reported high or very high emotional exhaustion and burnout, and 75 per cent said they consistently experience high work pressure.

    I’m sure I’m not supposed to out myself as a data point in this study but damn is this prescient in SA’s HE context. Corporate bullshittery has ruined the bourgeois notion of academic freedom and narcissistic managers have destroyed the academy and my soul. And the academy was a racist, sexist cesspit before all this. Think about how much worse it is now we have a right-wing government and two oligarch vice chancellors enshittifying the institutions…