( Mostly) radical thoughts, ideas, and links from late stage colonial capitalism.

  • Israel Not Complying with World Court Order in Genocide Case

    The Israeli government has failed to comply with at least one measure in the legally binding order from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in South Africa’s genocide case, Human Rights Watch said today. Citing warnings about “catastrophic conditions” in Gaza, the court ordered Israel on January 26, 2024, to “take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian aid,” and to report back on its compliance to the specific measures “within one month.”

    One month later, however, Israel continues to obstruct the provision of basic services and the entry and distribution within Gaza of fuel and lifesaving aid, acts of collective punishment that amount to war crimes and include the use of starvation of civilians as a weapon of war. Fewer trucks have entered Gaza and fewer aid missions have been permitted to reach northern Gaza in the several weeks since the ruling than in the weeks preceding it, according to United Nations Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

    If anything they’ve escalated. Shows how much “international law” means. When someone stands to profit, or white people are winning a genocide, there’s no such thing.

  • US Soldier Sets Himself on Fire outside Israeli Embassy in Washington to Protest Gaza Genocide

    A US Air Force soldier is in critical condition after he set himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC, Sunday. He live-streamed the self-immolation action on Twitch where he captured himself standing outside the gates of the Israeli embassy and identifying himself as a member of the US Air Force.

    “I will no longer be complicit in genocide [in Gaza]. I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest,” the man apparently said before setting himself alight and repeatedly shouting “Free Palestine!”

    See also that the cops pulled a gun on a flaming man. Fucked.

    Democracy is dead folks. The politicians are running an oligopoly.

  • A cease-fire deal would only ‘somewhat’ delay Israel’s assault on Rafah, Netanyahu says

    An Israeli military offensive in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah could be “delayed somewhat” if a deal is reached for a weekslong cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday, and claimed that total victory in the territory would come within weeks once the offensive begins.

    This can’t be more mask off. It’s just full blown genocide. And genocide Jo and Albo are fully on board for this.

  • RTO doesn’t improve company value, but does make employees miserable

    For some, having to work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic was stressful. Parents balanced job duties while caring for children. Some struggled to set up a home office and adjust to new tools, like video conferencing. Lonely workdays at home added to social isolation. The line between work and life blurred.

    For others, working from home was a boon—comfort, convenience, flexibility, no commuting or rush-hour traffic, no office-environment distractions. When the acute aspects of the pandemic receded, some who at first struggled began to settle into a work-from-home (WFH) groove and appreciated the newfound flexibility.

    Who’d have thought it was about micromanagement, “small business” and control all along? Oh right, everyone.

  • Biden won’t let Israel’s rejection of a Palestinian state interfere with his delusions

    In an odd, though not unexpected, turn of events in Israel, the Knesset voted on Wednesday to reject “unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state.” The declaration was made in response to rumors that the United States was considering recognizing the state of Palestine. 

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with his typical demagogic flourish, characterized the rumors as an existential threat, saying, “The Knesset came together in an overwhelming majority against the attempt to impose on us the establishment of a Palestinian state, which would not only fail to bring peace but would endanger the State of Israel.”

    The western oligopoly has gone mask off. Look at the world leaders. Sick. Genocidal. Narcissists. Stop supporting them.

  • Milei closing federal agency against discrimination and racism

    Argentine President Javier Milei’s administration Thursday announced it would dissolve the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Racism (Inadi) in a move to cut public spending, it was reported in Buenos Aires. In making his decision, Milei argued that the Inadi, which includes some 400 workers and had dozens of delegations nationwide, was the “Thought Police” of Kirchnerism.

    The Inadi is the first of “an endless number” of state institutes that Milei’s government “is determined to close or dismantle,” Presidential Spokesman Manuel Adorni said. “We are not going to continue financing neither the political thread, nor places where political favors are paid, nor hundreds or dozens of hierarchical positions that do not add up to anything,” he added.

    It’s the consent which is manufactured by the right to be anti-human and anti-worker which deserves our greatest attention. Enabling hatred and division is the tactic of capitalism.

  • WHO chief calls Gaza ‘death zone’

    With thousands of Gaza residents and hundreds of aid workers reportedly dead in Israel’s conflict against Hamas brutal genocide, a top United Nations health official called the region a “death zone” Wednesday and reiterated his calls for an immediate cease-fire.

    “Gaza has become a death zone,” World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a press briefing Wednesday.

    The utter lack of awareness and care about this is devastating. Write. Your. Politicians.

  • Scientists say they can use AI to solve a key problem in the quest for near-limitless clean energy

    Scientists pursuing fusion energy say they have found a way to overcome one of their biggest challenges to date — by using artificial intelligence.

    Nuclear fusion has for decades been hailed as a near-limitless source of clean energy, in what would be a game-changing solution to the climate crisis. But experts have only achieved and sustained fusion energy for a few seconds, and many obstacles remain, including instabilities in the highly complex process.

    I don’t know about you but… why can’t we just fucking scale back? Can AI suggest something real? No? I just want to live sustainably – in right relation.