( Mostly) radical thoughts, ideas, and links from late stage colonial capitalism.

  • Argentina’s main union calls for general strike against Milei’s reforms

    Facing rising protests, Milei’s government has warned demonstrators they will lose their right to social assistance and will be billed for the cost of security. Thousands of protesters on Wednesday demanded the courts intervene to invalidate the mega-decree they say would carve away at worker and consumer protections.

    Love to see unions fighting back against fascist populists.

  • South Africa brings case to top UN court accusing Israel of genocide

    South Africa has been a fierce critic of Israel’s military campaign in Gaza. Many there, including President Cyril Ramaphosa, have compared Israel’s policies regarding Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank with South Africa’s past apartheid regime of racial segregation.

    South Africa asked the Hague-based court to issue an interim order for Israel to immediately suspend its military operations in Gaza. A hearing into that request is likely in the coming days or weeks. The case, if it goes ahead, will take years, but an interim order could be issued within weeks.

    The Israeli government “rejected with disgust” the South African genocide accusations, calling it a “blood libel.” A Foreign Affairs Ministry statement said the case lacks a legal foundation and constitutes a “vile exploitation and cheapening” of the court.

    Colonised/extracted nations standing together to speak the truth. Unsurprisingly the coloniser (west) responds with lies and bullshit.

  • The New York Times sues OpenAI and Microsoft for copyright infringement

    The New York Times has sued OpenAI and Microsoft for copyright infringement, alleging that the companies’ artificial intelligence technology illegally copied millions of Times articles to train ChatGPT and other services to provide people with instant access to information — technology that now competes with the Times.

    The complaint is the latest in a string of lawsuits that seek to limit the use of alleged scraping of wide swaths of content from across the internet — without compensation — to train so-called large language artificial intelligence models. Actors, writers, journalists and other creative types who post their works on the internet fear that AI will learn from their material and provide competitive chatbots and other sources of information without proper compensation.

    I can see this whole thing being fixed with citing sources – though that’s hard work with the current state of GenAI tech.

    Also, really? Training on zionist propagandist garbage from the NYT? sad.

  • 2023 will be the hottest year on record. Is this how it’s going to be now?

    Though temperature records from December have yet to be finalized, climate scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have found there’s a more than 99% chance that 2023 will have the hottest recorded global average temperature, beating out 2016, the previous leader.

    The record-breaking year helped fuel climate-driven disasters around the globe – from extreme heat that plagued Arizona for weeks, to devastating floods in Libya, to record-hot oceans that caused corals to bleach off Florida. Scientists say the extreme temperatures are in line with forecasts for how the planet will continue to warm.

    It’s only getting worse.

  • The year the Australian dream died

    Those the BBC spoke to say that the Australian Dream has been demolished, eroding the foundations of the nation’s identity.

    Australia has long thought itself the land of a fair go.

    “[But] education and hard work are no longer the main determinants of how wealthy you are; now it comes down to where you live and what sort of house you inherit from your parents,” Kohler says.

    “It means Australia is less of an egalitarian meritocracy.”

    Or as Hickman sums it up: “It’s rigged.”

    Show your (racial) privilege, Australia.

    But also, yes, things here are not great for working people. It’s almost like capitalism is inherently problematic – and maybe the white middle class is realising that “merit” isn’t a real thing.

  • First EV with a lithium-free sodium battery

    a Volkswagen-backed Chinese automaker, is set to launch the first mass-produced electric vehicle (EV) with a sodium-ion battery through its new Yiwei brand.

    Great to see “progress” like this – but the impact of everyone having a vehicle is still too high – can we really not invest in better solutions? More individualism is not the answer.

  • Israeli attacks on journalists constitute war crime: International Federation of Journalists

    Israeli attacks on journalists “to stop news getting out of Gaza” constitute a war crime, according to the deputy general secretary of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).

    Speaking to Anadolu on the rising death toll of journalists in Gaza due to Israeli attacks, Tim Dawson said: “It is clear that the situation in Gaza is terrible for everyone. Food, water, fuel, and shelter are in short supply.”

    “Journalists have suffered more than most – around 7% or 8% of all journalists in the enclave have lost their lives, and nearly all have lost family members,” he lamented.

    As though the literal genocide wasn’t enough?

  • Afghan schoolgirls are finishing sixth grade in tears. Under Taliban rule, their education is over

    In September 2021, a month after U.S. and NATO troops withdrew from Afghanistan following two decades of war, the Taliban announced that girls were barred from studying beyond sixth grade.

    They extended this education ban to universities in December 2022. The Taliban have defied global condemnation and warnings that the restrictions will make it almost impossible for them to gain recognition as the country’s legitimate rulers.

    Last week, U.N. special envoy Roza Otunbayeva expressed concern that a generation of Afghan girls is falling behind with each day that passes.

    I don’t love the depiction of the US as the imperial saviour, but the general motto here is devastating.