South Africa brings case to top UN court accusing Israel of genocide

South Africa has been a fierce critic of Israel’s military campaign in Gaza. Many there, including President Cyril Ramaphosa, have compared Israel’s policies regarding Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank with South Africa’s past apartheid regime of racial segregation.

South Africa asked the Hague-based court to issue an interim order for Israel to immediately suspend its military operations in Gaza. A hearing into that request is likely in the coming days or weeks. The case, if it goes ahead, will take years, but an interim order could be issued within weeks.

The Israeli government “rejected with disgust” the South African genocide accusations, calling it a “blood libel.” A Foreign Affairs Ministry statement said the case lacks a legal foundation and constitutes a “vile exploitation and cheapening” of the court.

Colonised/extracted nations standing together to speak the truth. Unsurprisingly the coloniser (west) responds with lies and bullshit.