Sora: OpenAI launches tool that instantly creates video from text

OpenAI revealed a tool on Thursday that can generate videos from text prompts.

The new model, nicknamed Sora after the Japanese word for “sky”, can produce realistic footage up to a minute long that adheres to a user’s instructions on both subject matter and style. According to a company blogpost, the model is also able to create a video based on a still image or extend existing footage with new material.

“We’re teaching AI to understand and simulate the physical world in motion, with the goal of training models that help people solve problems that require real-world interaction,” the blogpost reads.

Ah yikes.

The tech bros jerking each other off over these emergent and ungoverned tools is horrifying. And the money being “made” around these technologies.

Does anyone remember the dot com bubble? Rampant neoliberal capitalism is no ones friend – least of all the human habitable environs that are destroyed as a result of generating the power for these GPUs.