US, British militaries launch massive retaliatory strike against Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen

The U.S. and British militaries bombed more than a dozen sites used by the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen on Thursday, in a massive retaliatory strike using warship- and submarine-launched Tomahawk missiles and fighter jets, U.S. officials said.

The U.S. Air Force’s Mideast command said it struck over 60 targets at 16 sites in Yemen, including “command-and-control nodes, munitions depots, launching systems, production facilities and air defense radar systems.”

President Joe Biden said the strikes were meant to demonstrate that the U.S. and its allies “will not tolerate” the militant group’s ceaseless attacks on the Red Sea. And he said they only made the move after attempts at diplomatic negotiations and careful deliberation.

This is what a promise from the US not to escalate looks like. These warmongering, violent and irrelevant dickheads cannot keep their weapons in their pants. Heaven forbid they fix shit in their own country. Nah – rather bomb or destabilise someone else. MAH ECONOMY.