Israel’s war on Gaza causes ‘cracks in the edifice of hypocrisy’

The extremity of Israel’s war on Gaza has become so unbearable that there are at last cracks in its political support. And the massive effort that Joe Biden has undertaken to back Israel no matter what it does is raising questions even in mainstream politics. 

There is, to begin with, the crisis over Netanyahu’s declaration that there must never be a Palestinian state. This totally contradicts U.S. policy— lip service to a Palestinian state. And it thereby incurred rebukes by Biden’s official spokesmen: the only way to get peace in the region is a two-state solution. 

“Democrats ‘appalled’ by Netanyahu’s bashing of two-state solution,” Politico reported. “Growing number of Senate Democrats question Biden’s Israel strategy” – the Washington Post. Five Democratic senators said they would join 13 who had endorsed a measure to condition supplemental aid to Israel– more than a third of the Democratic caucus.

A lot of talk to continue allowing one of the largest, fastest, and most horrific genocides in real time. Australia, the USA, the UK, all the western supporters have shown how truly undemocratic they are — and we should never forget.