Don’t believe Haaretz and the NYT. Israeli society fully supports the Gaza genocide.

An editorial in Haaretz last week, as well as a piece by the New York Times’s Michelle Goldberg a few days later, told a similar story. Both articles portrayed genocidal statements by Israeli leaders, and both articles explained them as an expression of far-right extremism. Haaretz seems to suggest that the solution (which would protect Israel at the International Court of Justice) would be for Netanyahu to fire his extremist ministers. Goldberg’s article takes it even further, suggesting that Netanyahu is also part of the problem. 

However, there’s a story that is not being fully told in these two main liberal outlets. Both ignore the evidence and the polling that show near universal Israeli support for the unfolding genocide in Gaza — both from the Israeli political class and the vast majority of the Israeli population. 

The biggest victory here has been the mobilisation of the US’s hegemonic media machine to keep the world’s population complacent. The raced and classed denial of genocide shows time and again the world (has been indoctrinated to) only cares for whites.