( Mostly) radical thoughts, ideas, and links from late stage colonial capitalism.

  • At least 19 dead in Chile as forest fires approach densely populated central areas

    Intense forest fires burning around a densely populated area of central Chile have left at least 19 people dead and destroyed about 1,100 homes, officials said Saturday.

    Chile’s Interior Minister Carolina Tohá said there were currently 92 forest fires burning in the center and south of the country, where temperatures have been unusually high this week.

    The deadliest of the fires were occurring in the region of Valparaíso, where authorities urged people not to leave their homes so that fire engines, ambulances and other emergency vehicles can transit with greater ease.

    This is horrible, and I don’t want to be that guy, but it’s only going to get worse with the climate. Eat the rich.

  • Unis warn against putting victims’ rights above alleged perpetrators in campus safety overhaul

    The universities’ lobby has warned any move to prioritise the rights of sexual assault complainants above those of alleged perpetrators in overhauling campus culture would be legally unsound, while cautioning that a national student watchdog could be hijacked by students settling scores with their providers.

    “An effective national code would need to adequately address these complexities and recognise that universities have responsibilities to all members of the university community. This includes those making allegations, victim-survivors and alleged perpetrators,” the submission says.

    They mean, protecting the community of privileged, mediocre, male researchers at the cost of the quieter community around them that must serve, flank and stroke their egos. Gross. Outrageously sexist, and no surprise at all.

  • North Korea tests more cruise missiles as leader Kim calls for war readiness

    North Korea on Friday extended a provocative series of weapons tests by firing cruise missiles into the sea, as leader Kim Jong Un called for his military to step up war preparations and toured a shipyard.

    South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said the U.S. and South Korean militaries were analyzing the North Korean launches into its western sea. It said South Korea’s military detected multiple missiles but it did not immediately provide a specific number or an assessment of their flights.

    The launches, which were North Korea’s fourth round of cruise missile tests in 2024, came hours after state media reported that Kim reiterated his focus on strengthening his naval forces as he inspected unspecified naval projects at a shipyard in Nampho on the west coast.

    One way or another we really are racing towards capitalist heat death. Be it war, climate, genocide, and/or greed. Nothing good can come of this system. We must rethink, no more waiting for the revolution.

  • ‘Overruled’: Over 800 U.S. And Allied Officials Issue Public Call For Shift In Gaza Policy

    A group of more than 800 government officials in the U.S., Britain and major European countries ― as well as European Union institutions ― has signed a letter urging Western countries to reconsider their policy of near-total support for Israel’s devastating offensive in Gaza.

    The letter, released Friday, urges those governments to use all possible leverage, including potentially cutting off military support for Israel, to secure a cease-fire in Gaza that will increase aid for Palestinians and bring the release of Israeli hostages captured by Hamas and other militants on Oct. 7. It’s the latest sign of deep alarm among foreign policy professionals about the path President Joe Biden and other world leaders have chosen since the attack and Israel’s retaliation began.

    Amidst this and the fascicle sanctions on “extremist settlers” – note the language shift – there seems to be some response to the largest and fastest genocide actively televised through social media. But this is far from enough. Israel needs to be stopped, forcefully if necessary.

    Almost half of the brainwashed Americans can see through the contradictions here. Stop funding genocide.

  • 38 killed and 52 wounded in communal clashes over land in South Sudan

    Residents of a swampy area in central South Sudan battled with cattle herders who moved in looking for water and pasture during the dry season, and at least 38 people were killed and 52 suffered gunshot wounds, officials said Thursday.

    The fighting started Wednesday and tensions remained high Thursday night, with officials reporting “minor clashes” and apprehension over revenge attacks in the remote area.

    The information minister of Warrap state, William Wol Mayom, said fighting took place in the Alor area, which is in Lakes state and borders both Warrap and Unity states.

    Mayom said security forces had been sent to calm the situation and to move the cattle herders away from the disputed wet lands.

    “The violence has been de-escalated, but minor clashes are still being reported in inaccessible swampy areas and casualties cannot be fully verified,” Mayom said.

    Capitalism and its deliberate extraction from the African content creates the condition for things just like this. Competitive land grabs, vilified by the west, unless it’s the west doing it.

  • ‘We are dying slowly:’ Palestinians are eating grass and drinking polluted water as famine looms across Gaza

    Hanadi Gamal Saed El Jamara, 38, says sleep is all that can distract her children from the aching hunger gnawing at their bellies.

    These days, the mother-of-seven finds herself begging for food on the mud-caked streets of Rafah, in southern Gaza.

    She tries to feed her kids at least once a day, she says, while tending to her husband, a cancer and diabetes patient.

    “They are weak now, they always have diarrhea, their faces are yellow,” El Jamara, whose family was displaced from northern Gaza, told CNN on January 9. “My 17-year-old daughter tells me she feels dizziness, my husband is not eating.”

    As Gaza spirals toward full-scale famine, displaced civilians and health workers told CNN they go hungry so their children can eat what little is available.

    “Biden had some ‘stern words’ with the Israeli ‘settlers’” though. Sick.

    If you’re in a western country, your government fully supports, endorses, and gets off on this despicable inhuman torture. Revolution – now!

  • Testimonies describe forced displacement campaign in northern Gaza

    Meters away from Egypt’s border with the city of Rafah in southern Gaza stands Mahmoud Ahmad, whose real name has been altered at his request. Mahmoud asks passers-by about a place where he can find shelter for himself and his family, who were recently displaced from Gaza City. With a yellowed face and a hesitant voice emanating from his frail body, the weary-eyed young man tells me how his family of six arrived in Rafah on foot.

    The absolute humanity of these peoples, and the absolute inhumanity of western politicians.

  • Thai court rules MFP bid to reform lese majeste law violates constitution

    A court in Thailand has ruled that the biggest party in parliament violated the constitution when it sought to change a strict law against insulting the country’s monarchy.

    The reformist Move Forward Party (MFP) finished first in last year’s election on a progressive platform that included a proposal to amend the lese majeste law that outraged Thailand’s conservative elite.

    Monarchies gonna monarch, I guess. Just a friendly reminder there is no consensus, choice, or freedom under capitalism.