( Mostly) radical thoughts, ideas, and links from late stage colonial capitalism.

  • Argentina court suspends Milei labor reforms

    The CGT trade union body had challenged the changes, which technically took effect last Friday, on grounds that they erode basic worker protections such as the right to strike and parental leave.

    Judges of Argentina’s labor appeals chamber froze elements of Milei’s decree which, among other things, increased the legal job probation period from three to eight months, reduced compensation in case of dismissal, and cut pregnancy leave.

    Judge Alejandro Sudera questioned the “necessity” and “urgency” of the decree Milei signed on December 20 — just days after taking office — and suspended the measures until they can be properly considered by Congress.

    Makes me ponder the nature of the “ethical” enforcement by courts and judicial systems in holding the tide against populists. Yet when the leader or party seems “reasonable” (even if their policies are genocidal and regressive) there’s total inaction?

    At least momentary pause for consideration here in the face of devastatingly pro-capital pro-bourgeois bullshit. One does wonder, how much have the Argentinian’s fucked themselves over on this one? And what’s the role of coercive enforcement in all this?

  • Iran Says At Least 103 People Killed, 211 Wounded In Blasts At Ceremony Honoring Slain General

    Two bombs exploded and killed at least 103 people Wednesday at a commemoration for a prominent Iranian general slain by the U.S. in a 2020 drone strike, Iranian officials said, as the Middle East remains on edge over Israel’s war on Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

    No one immediately claimed responsibility for what appeared to be the deadliest militant attack to target Iran since its 1979 Islamic Revolution. Iran’s leaders vowed to punish those responsible for the blasts, which wounded at least 211 people.

    Are we really left guessing about the perpetrators?

  • Texas doctors do not need to perform emergency abortions, court rules

    A federal appeals court on Tuesday ruled that Texas hospitals and doctors are not obligated to perform abortions under a long-standing national emergency-care law, dealing a blow to the White House’s strategy to ensure access to the procedure after the Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion in 2022.

    The federal law “does not mandate any specific type of medical treatment, let alone abortion,” the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit concluded, faulting the Biden administration’s interpretation of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, or EMTALA. The law “does not govern the practice of medicine,” the court added.

    What a deeply sick country, people, and political party.

    The world desperately needs women’s rights – and this is such a regression it makes my skin crawl.

  • US slams Israeli ministers’ statements on resettlement of Palestinians outside Gaza

    “We have been clear, consistent, and unequivocal that Gaza is Palestinian land and will remain Palestinian land, with Hamas no longer in control of its future and with no terror groups able to threaten Israel.”

    Right. Of course. So, you’re just funding and backing the indiscriminate genocide of all Palestinians for giggles, USA?

    Is this actually just genocide advocacy?

  • US quietly reaches agreement with Qatar to keep operating largest military base in Middle East

    The base has been a pivotal hub for the US Central Command’s air operations in or around Afghanistan, Iran and across the Middle East. The Qatari and British Air Forces also operate from the base.

    The extension comes as the US has bolstered its presence in the region amid escalating threats from Iran-backed militant groups in Iraq, Syria and Yemen.

    Imperialists maintaining “presence”… I wonder why.

  • Morocco intercepts over 1,100 migrants near Spanish exclaves

    The Moroccan army said it intercepted more than 1,100 migrants attempting to reach the Spanish exclaves of Ceuta and Melilla on New Year’s Eve.

    Overnight Sunday to Monday (31 December to 1 January), more than 1,110 people were detained in the cities of Nador, M’diq and Fnideq during multiple operations carried out by the army and security forces, the general staff of the armed forces said in a statement.

    The army said that the 175 migrants apprehended in Nador, close to the border with Melilla, were from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Yemen.

    It did not provide nationalities for the other detained migrants.

    Ceuta and Melilla, two Spanish territories on the northern Moroccan coast, are the European Union’s only land borders on the African continent and are frequently the target of migrants hoping to reach mainland Europe.

    Are we ever going to move past arbitrary borders and immigration laws? People deserve better than detention, rejection and being forced to live in fear.

  • Thousands evacuated following Indonesia volcano eruption

    More than 2,000 residents have been evacuated to temporary shelters amid heightened volcanic activities in a volcano in eastern Indonesia, a local official said on Tuesday (Jan 2).

    Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki in East Nusa Tenggara province has erupted several times in recent weeks, including an eruption on Monday that spewed volcanic ash 1.5km above its peak, according to the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG).

    The agency recorded another eruption from Lewotobi Laki-Laki on Tuesday but ash clouds from the volcano were not observed, it said in a statement.

    Volcanic ashes from recent eruptions have affected two sub-districts near Lewotobi Laki-Laki mountain, prompting more than 2,200 residents to evacuate to temporary shelters set up by local governments, Benediktus Bolibapa Herin, an official for East Flores district, told AFP on Tuesday.

    The potential of destruction the earth can bring upon us. Hopefully these evacuees can return home when it’s safe.

    While volcanic activity isn’t necessarily climate induced (though it can be) to me this screams: act in reciprocal relations with the land.

  • France closes Niger embassy until further notice

    “For five months, our embassy has been severely hampered” by obstacles that have obstructed its diplomatic mission, a spokeswoman for the French foreign ministry said in a statement. 

    “A blockade around the embassy, travel restrictions for staff and the refusal to allow any diplomatic personnel to travel to Niger was a clear violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations,” the statement continued. 

    The embassy’s closure – an extremely rare measure – was decided at the same time as the withdrawal of the last French soldiers deployed in Niger on December 22. 

    Almost reads like they’re being forced to decolonise. Almost.