( Mostly) radical thoughts, ideas, and links from late stage colonial capitalism.

  • French farmers prepare for lengthy showdown as they launch ‘siege of Paris’

     “We’ll stay for as long we have to” — that’s the mantra of protesting farmers in France who insisted they won’t back down as they launched a “siege of Paris” onboard their tractors. 

    The slogan has been repeated by unions and first-time demonstrators alike since the disgruntled farmers’ movement was launched a week and a half ago, with 24-hour blockades set up on highways across the country. 

    Gabriel Attal, Emmanuel Macron’s new 34-year-old prime minister, has repeatedly portrayed himself as understanding the farmers’ concerns, which range from complaints of overregulation to a perceived lack of consideration, and announced last Friday a series of measures meant to appease the sector.

    Got to love the French protest spirit. Though, these seem to be regressive in nature. Still, participatory democracy demands protest.

  • Beware climate populism

    The climate crisis is turning more severe with every passing year, and we are coming close to a point where it would no longer be possible to ignore or deny its existence. Sea levels rise, weather conditions become ever more extreme, oscillating between drought and torrent. Crops die en masse, reducing access to goods and increasing prices in many places. Somewhere down the line in this collective awakening, we can expect the rapid emergence of actors who are more interested in blaming others for the climate emergency than actually providing solutions; culprits could be immigrants, Jews, disliked minorities, old enemies – the usual suspects or new targets, yet to emerge.

    Already we can see early signs of a shift from denial to blame in what one could call climate populism – an approach to the problem and the politics operating with slogans but without solutions, with blame but without taking responsibility – a direct descendant of the populisms we know of today. To make an even sharper prediction: the climate populists of the near future might just turn out to be the same politicians and pundits that today fashion themselves as the most ardent deniers of anthropogenic climate change.

    We see this already in Australia. The conservative Labor party made a range of gestures and promises about climate action. Instead, they approve new coal and gas installations and ramp up serious emission production more than the previous hard right government. But “Labor is taking climate action” don’t you know?

  • Framework for ceasefire deal being put to Hamas, Qatar’s PM says

    The framework for a deal that could lead to a ceasefire and the release of hostages held in Gaza is being put to the Hamas leadership, Qatar’s prime minister, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, said on Monday.

    Speaking after talks in Paris between officials from the US, Qatar, Egypt and Israel, he said: “We are in a better place than we were a few weeks ago.”

    The basis of the deal is a 45-day pause in the fighting leading to the release of 35 Israeli hostages and as many as 4,000 Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails.

    But Israel remains opposed to a permanent ceasefire and wants to retain a right to recommence hostilities against Hamas – something that the Hamas leadership wants ruled out.

    Temporary ceasefire is bullshit. Israel needs to go.

  • Iran executes four convicted of Israeli bomb plot

    Iran has executed four men it says were linked to an Israeli intelligence operation.

    The death sentences were carried out on Monday after the Supreme Court rejected appeals, according to Iranian state media. The quartet was accused of planning a bomb attack ordered by Israel’s Mossad agency.

    The men were convicted of illegally entering Iran from Iraq’s northern Kurdish region to attack a factory in the central city of Isfahan that produces equipment for the Ministry of Defence and Armed Forces Logistics. The operation was planned for summer 2022 but was averted by Iranian intelligence.

    “The death sentence of four members of a group affiliated with the Zionist spy organisation … was carried out this morning,” the Iranian judiciary’s website Mizan Online reported.

    Israel is such a genocidal warmonger.

  • Australia among countries pausing funds for UN refugee agency for Palestinians

    Australia is among a growing list of countries that have paused funding for the United Nations’ refugee agency for Palestinians, after Israel alleged some of the agency’s staff were involved in the October 7 terrorist attacks. 

    On Saturday, the United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, the Netherlands and Finland became the latest countries to pause funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

    The agency itself has responded to the allegations by terminating the contracts of some staff members to protect the agency’s ability to deliver humanitarian assistance.

    This country’s corrupt, bourgeois, neoliberal government can rot in hell. May they ever be haunted by images of the starving children they are personally killing. Albanese, Wong, murderers.

  • Climate activists throw soup at the Mona Lisa in Paris amid farm protests

    Two climate activists have thrown soup at the Mona Lisa at the Louvre Museum in Paris and shouted slogans advocating for a sustainable food system amid farmers’ protests demanding the government address low wages and other problems.

    The 16th-century painting by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci was not damaged.

    In a video posted on social media, two women with the words ‘Riposte Alimentaire’ (food response) written on their T-shirts can be seen throwing soup at the glass protecting one of the world’s most famous paintings and passing under a security barrier to get closer to the painting.

    Less dead white artists, more collective action.

  • Biden Says 3 Americans Killed, ‘Many’ Wounded In Drone Attack In Jordan

    Three American service members were killed and “many” were wounded in a drone strike in northeast Jordan near the Syrian border, President Joe Biden said in a statement Sunday. He attributed the attack to Iran-backed militia groups.

    They were the first U.S. fatalities in months of strikes against American forces across the Middle East by Iranian-backed militias amid the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza, increasing the risk of escalation. U.S. officials were still working to conclusively identify the precise group responsible for the attack, but have assessed that one of several Iranian-backed groups is to blame.

    Biden said the United States “will hold all those responsible to account at a time and in a manner (of) our choosing.”

    Of course now it matters. Imperialism at work.

  • Trump Calls on ‘All Willing States’ to Send National Guard Soldiers to Texas

    In a multi-part social media post shared Thursday night, Trump called on “all willing states” to deploy their national guard forces to Texas “to prevent the entry of illegals, and to remove them back across the Border.” 

    Texas Gov. Greg Abbott told Tucker Carlson on Friday, that so far, ten governors had sent National Guard or other law enforcement resources to assist on the border, and will be “disappointed” if others do not follow suit.

    Trump and all his pals wanna hang out in an “independent Texas”? lol …

    See also: Texas Governor Greg Abbott declares that Texas law supercedes Federal authority and hints at secession