Family of key case in New York Times October 7 sexual violence report renounces story, says reporters manipulated them

On December 28, the New York Times published an “investigative” report on gender-based violence allegedly committed by Palestinians during the October 7 attack. The newspaper says the story was based on over 150 interviews conducted by Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Jeffrey Gettleman, along with Anat Schwartz and Adam Sella. The story concludes that Hamas fighters engaged in systematic rape and sexual violence against Israeli women.

The story itself repeats October 7 testimonies that have been previously published and already debunked and discredited, but the Times investigation hinges predominantly on one central story, the story of the rape of “Gal Abdush,” who is described by the Times as “The Woman in the Black Dress.”

Although claiming its story proves that “the attacks against women were not isolated events but part of a broader pattern of gender-based violence on Oct. 7” the veracity of the New York Times story was undermined almost as soon as it was published, including from the Abdush family itself who says there is no proof Gal Abdush was raped and that the New York Times interviewed them under false pretenses.

Shoddy propaganda from a shoddy source. I can’t honestly believe that people ever trusted the NYT on anything — a well oiled zionist machine for the advancement of one genocidal perspective.

This should be prosecuted with extreme prejudice. But, of course, it won’t be. And many will continue to believe the propaganda and the harm that it causes will, as always, be irrevocable.