Argentina court suspends Milei labor reforms

The CGT trade union body had challenged the changes, which technically took effect last Friday, on grounds that they erode basic worker protections such as the right to strike and parental leave.

Judges of Argentina’s labor appeals chamber froze elements of Milei’s decree which, among other things, increased the legal job probation period from three to eight months, reduced compensation in case of dismissal, and cut pregnancy leave.

Judge Alejandro Sudera questioned the “necessity” and “urgency” of the decree Milei signed on December 20 — just days after taking office — and suspended the measures until they can be properly considered by Congress.

Makes me ponder the nature of the “ethical” enforcement by courts and judicial systems in holding the tide against populists. Yet when the leader or party seems “reasonable” (even if their policies are genocidal and regressive) there’s total inaction?

At least momentary pause for consideration here in the face of devastatingly pro-capital pro-bourgeois bullshit. One does wonder, how much have the Argentinian’s fucked themselves over on this one? And what’s the role of coercive enforcement in all this?